Thursday, July 24, 2008

Racial Harmony Day

Entering the school gate,I saw a booth with Chinese toys on it.After seeing it,I then realised it was Racial Harmony Day today.Feeling more energetic,I waited patiently for the assembly to start.The teacher when through the schedule on what we are going to do.After finding out that we are going to have an hour of recess,I was surprised.What are we going to do during this one hour.After the explanation what we can do during recess,we went back to class.Two hours of studying wasn't long.While going to the hall,my first impression was some boring speech but the teacher say that it was a skit.During recess,I ate Chinese traditional biscuits an many other stuff.After I ate,Cheryl Teo and I went to the skylite cafe to check out the things.I done a henna which cost me $0.50.It was worth it because it was beautiful.Recess was over and we went back to class happily.In class, we made garland out of string and crepe paper.I made a nice one and it fitted nicely!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

National Day Parade

The day finally came.I went to school happily on 12th July 08 which is a Saturday.Why?Every primary five have to go for the National Day Parade.Today it was the day I have been waiting to come.I went to hall expecting that Cheryl Teo(BFF) was there.Well.. I was right.She was there.We waited for some of our friends while we talk about what is going to happened later.After a about 20 minutes of chit chatting,Mr Leong gave us a briefing on what is going later.While waiting for the buses to arrive,I took pictures of my friends and sing along with the songs the teacher had played.Yah! the buses finally arrive and we went to collect our fun pack and dinner(which is burgers)When I went on to the bus,I look inside my fun pack,a packet drink in my bag was leaking so my bag was sticky and wet.It is a good thing i brought a extra bag.I separated the wet things away from the things that were dry.It was a long drive which took us 30 minutes.When we got off the bus,we walk to the seating gallery.When we enter,it took us 10 minutes until we can sit down as we need to climb the huge flight of stairs and finding our seats take time too.Once I was seated,the loud booming sound of the host's voice was heard.Then,the celebrity hosts riding on jet skis coming to the platform. While watching the show,I ate my Burger and swing my flag at the same time.Night has fallen and the colourful lights switch on by the performers were beautiful.The booming of the fireworks was heard and it was extremely pretty.At the end of the performance,we sang the National Anthem.It was the first time I sang it so loudly.That day I went home tired and hungry but happy.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


SPICES.......What is your first thing that comes into your mind when others say the word spices?You might think that spices are ingredient your mummy puts in the food you eat?Well..It actually has a meaning.
Passion for learning
Lets get started on the meaningful meaning of these special words.Sincerity has a meaning of genuineness, honesty, and freedom.The meaning for passion for learning is that you have a passion to learn and everytime you have a chance to learn you will always participate.Integrity...It is simple.The meaning of it is to be honest.Courage is to have a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear.Excellence is to have the quality of excelling; possessing good qualities in high degree.Self-discipline means that you can control yourself in what ever you do or say.Thats all signing off.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


What is Netiquette?Netiquette is courtesy.Good manners is important even in Cyberspace.Here are the rules:
Use capital letters when necessary.
Send only important e-mails to others.
Respect others privacy and personality.
So on and so on.There are many other rules but I can't list them all down as there were too many.Just remember to use the correct way when communicating in Cyberspace.