Sunday, September 14, 2008

P5 Camp

It was sure tiring when I was back from the camp but it was a one in a lifetime I think.Well..maybe not because when I ask my cousin,she said that she went to the same camp as I do.(Of course,my cousins is older than me)On 28th August 2008,I went to school, half worried and half happy, wearing my tracks pants and my PE T-shirt.(With a very heavy sling bag)We had to survive for the rest of the day and the next day with only just 2 T-shirts, 2 pairs of pants and a pair of slippers.And of course I would be going to in my tracks shoes.At first,I thought it was going to be kind of like being in a prison(You know why I said that?My cousins said things like washing the dishes for other people....The instructor scolding you all the time....and lots of evil stuff)Well....actually,I packed three sets of clothes.You know,3 T-shirts and 3 pants.Why?My mother always say in case I got dirty or I spill water all over.After all these sayings,i believe you are a bit curious what am I talking about,right?Well...I am talking about what happened when I went for the P5 camp.As I was saying,I did the normal routines.Waited for my friends in the hall and sang the National Anthem.When all the others level had left,we waited for our instructors to come.After a while,Chief Eunice and all the instructors arrived at our school.(FYI,For your information.Chief Eunice is our chief for the camp)We gathered in our groups.I was in Group 8 and my instructor is Daniel.He came up to me and ask for my name.We had an group gathering and Daniel introduce himself and we played a game.Finally,we went on to the bus.Daniel told us that we would be with Group 7.Their instructor was instructor Xiao Wei.We were trap in a jam on our way there and the ride was about 30 minutes.We created a group name for Group 7 and 8.After much brainstorming,Daniel came up with a name.He said we can be called 7 point 8.Why? Because in Anderson, classes are known as like 5 point 6 or 1 point 3.So we would have a brand new class in Anderson.Daniel and Xiao Wei decided to teach us the hungry cheer.It was very fun.I was starting to have some fun.We reach JB without our passports.(FYI,we are going to Jalan Batera)We gathered at the MPH(FYI,The MPH is the multi-purpose hall)The morning rain was like very cruel.We were all praying for the rain to stop.The instructor show us to our huts and I was like so called jealous that our teachers can sleeping an air-conditioned rooms.After that,we had a briefing on the high elements and how to secure our harness.The briefing was extremely boring.We went straight to the high elements.We are suppose to do abseiling and we done it alright.We gathered at hut 1 to discuss what should we perform during the campfire performance.Some of us wanted to play a skit while some wanted to dance.After lots of thinking,we decided to dance.To encourage them,I volunteer to choreograph the dance.Before we go in to the dance,we played a game which concern the whole Major A(also known as Ali).The game is called 'Kidnapped' A friend from one of each group and had to be tied up and left in the command post.(Actually,I knew where they were hidden but Daniel say I have to keep it a secret otherwise there won't be any fun)We had to run around completing all the tasks that are given and guessing where is the key to the lock.When we found our friend,we have to carry him up the stairs which is very dangerous but it all requires teamwork.It was 5.30pm and Daniel let us go for a shower before we practice for the campfire item.Chief Eunice say if we sharing songs with other group,we got to do it better than other.Daniel still encourage us to dance for the performance.We practice for about 45 minutes and most of my group mates actually remember all the dance steps clearly.I was standing in the center of all my friends.I felt very brave as this is my first time performing for everyone without feeling nervous.The campfire was extremely fun.We learn some campfire songs and the instructors too perform as well.We had a competition among some of the instructor.Daniel and Xiao Wei gave us a briefing and they told us how much fun they had with us and when they dismiss us,we were grinning all the way to our hut.We all settle down but we just could not go to sleep.We don't intend to sleep that night and plan to see the sunlight.When we were talking while lying down(in case the instructors see us not asleep)I just close my eyes and fell asleep.I don't know what happened until I woke up in the morning shivering.It was strange...At night,I was like lying down in the middle of the Sahara Dessert but in the morning,it was shivering cold.We had our breakfast and went off for our duty.Xiao Wei was not with us as she went home for some personal matters.We are suppose to clean the boys dormitories and we found sock (including undergarments)We gathered at the MPH for the prize presentation.First,Cheif Eunice gave out for the Best Boy Camper.He was from Group 17(I think)Next,of course is the Best Girl Camper.Chief Eunice describe 'this' girl as a follower at the starting of the day but later became a leader herself.I amit I was a follower but how can I be a leader?When that particuliar moment came,Chief Eunice said my name and I was stunned.Me!The Best Girl Camper!I received the prize and went back to my place.I felt very proud of myself.We went around collecting the instructors autograghs and we all went back happily.I really miss camp and I wish I could go back to JB(Jalan Batera)again.
Ps:Although I lost my water bottle but it was worth the fun.Guess what? I went back,bathe,ate my lunch and went to sleep.(2.30pm-6.00pm)

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