Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What will I defend?

What will I defend? Hmm......This question is important to us.What will we defend...Total Defence Day is when we talk about the British surrendering to the Japanese during WW2.This time,I am not talking about what Total Defence Day is about.(The question is what I kept repeating just now.)I would like to defend the things my parents used to do when they were young.Like everywhere was filled with trees and children playing outside together instead of staying at home playing computer games.After hearing lots of story from my parents,I feel that Kampong life is much more exciting than the life we have now.I am not saying that we should not have computer but what I think is that (I am sorry to this) parents should not spoiled their children with electronic games.I would not like those that are still young get addicted to electronic games,like me.I am trying to read more books to make myself stop thinking about computers and reading more books really helps.( Thats for me,not sure if others would do the same)Defending the Kampong life is really difficult now but I still hope that it would remain in some of our hearts. Maybe next time when I go to Malaysia or some other country,I would have the chance to experience it. Wishing to just jump into a river and swim is one of the things I would like to do.Having to express myself on this topic is cool.Hoping the air would be fresher every morning I wake up.(Of course there would not be gobal warming if this happen)I am changing the subject.Haha.Stay on course....Still not changing my mind of Kampong life. Haha. What would you defend?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Start School Later

I don't recommend starting school later because it would affect the schedule of some students.Although you can rearrange the schedule but I still prefer starting school at 7.30am.Take my schedule for example: I have CCA on Friday which is now 1.30pm-5.30pm.If starting school later,we would have to train to 7pm.Starting school later has disadvantage and advantages. The disadvange could be like what I said just now.Some children would have to rearrange the schdule which made their personal stuff ends later.The hours of sleeping would be the same too. The advantage is that if we sleep earlier, we could have more hours of sleep.After so much of my own thinking,I still prefer starting school at 7.30am.As we can get more time in the afternoon.I could take a nap then do my homework as this year is my PSLE.I need more time.I don't like studying in the night because stuudyibg in the night makes my brain excercise more.I have to take a long time to calm down.That mean I do not have enough sleep.I would not have the energy to study next day.It all go back to starting school later.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

During the holidays...(The craze on Twilight with cousins)

The holidays were amazing. :-) I did lots of thing.Many amazing things actually...My cousins and I started crazing about the new movie Twlight.It was funny when you think of it. We started it when we went to watch the movie which is on the 30th of December last year(2008) When we went home,we could not stop talking about it. That night,I went to stay at their house so it was amazing that I could sleep at 4am and wake up at 10am.The next day was New year's eve and on that day,my cousins made a resolution.I just think it is impossible to come true. They wish that their life would be like the movie. What I think is that it is just lame.The movie is a fantasy.How can it possibly happen...Although the male lead is cute but it is just so impossible. 1 more thing during the holidays,I broke one of my record.I did not sleep for one whloe night. My uncle booked a chalet and we went there to play.I did not sleep and i still have the energy to play at Escape Theme Park. The night when I went home i slept at 7.30pm which is the earliest i slept.