Thursday, May 1, 2008

Reflection 4 : Food Sold in our Canteen

Food sold in the canteen are delicious...I eat almost everyday in the school canteen.I would have to eat at the canteen because I have to have my break and get some refreshment or stayed back and I would have to have my lunch.I love most of the stall but my favourite is the drink stall where they sell beverages.Food that are sold at the canteen are........not healthy because the stall vendors put lots of MSGs in the food that make the food taste delicious.Well......Not all food are not healthy,food like cereal,bread and lots more are healthy.Cleanness.......Of courses the food are clean otherwise chlidren would be sick.Maybe fresh fruit and freshly squeezed orange juice can be sold to add on to the amount of healthy food in the canteen.I think the school canteen is one of our school special places so we should keep it clean.

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