Thursday, February 12, 2009

Passion For Learning

Passion for learning is just like having the self-discipline to study or to learn. It could be learning anything. It could be learning to bowl (like me...) or learning how to play the piano. We always hear our teachers saying having the PASSION FOR LEARNING is good.What exactly is PASSION FOR LEARNING....Hmm...Having passion for learning is good but you have to use it at the right time or place.If you have the passion for learning,it means that we have the chance to success.When someone chose the 'way' they want to go,they must have the passion for learning to strive towards the best.When I first started bowling,I never have the belief that would win or succeed but after my coach see the talent in me,he brainwash which made me have the passion to win.I train hard and all the perseverance really paid off.I won trophies and I actually became the vice-captain this year.Passion for learning can be shown in anyway.Like when you have a passion for something, you will do whatever it need to take just to achieve it.Passion could be anybody's mean anyone can have passion for anything.Like the elephants at the zoo.When the zookeepers train them for any animal show,they take the 'training' seriously and of course spend time with the keepers.Talking 'bout the elephants having passion,I think I have passion for anything.I am interested to learn about anything.We can develop passion if we just 'follow' the path we chose.

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