Thursday, July 10, 2008


SPICES.......What is your first thing that comes into your mind when others say the word spices?You might think that spices are ingredient your mummy puts in the food you eat?Well..It actually has a meaning.
Passion for learning
Lets get started on the meaningful meaning of these special words.Sincerity has a meaning of genuineness, honesty, and freedom.The meaning for passion for learning is that you have a passion to learn and everytime you have a chance to learn you will always participate.Integrity...It is simple.The meaning of it is to be honest.Courage is to have a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear.Excellence is to have the quality of excelling; possessing good qualities in high degree.Self-discipline means that you can control yourself in what ever you do or say.Thats all signing off.

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