Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Learning Journey To Singapore History Museum

Among all the learning journey I went, this was one of the meaningful ones I been.After the whole thing, I think that there were not enough time. Everything started at the entrance of the history gallery.The Companion was distributed to my friends and I ( including my teacher and the parent volunteers) This gadget is an enlarged version of an Ipod but only that it is filled with information of the gallery.We were lead down a long and slippery spiral slope. Oops... Forgot to mention how to use the Companion...There is buttons that is labeled from 0-9.When you see a number on the floor just press the number on the Companion and it will tell you more on the exhibit.All the exhibit were very interesting. My teacher told us not to go in a group but I just grabbed my friend's hand( by the way, her name is Cheryl) and told her to follow me.We entered the gallery and my friend wanted to just browse through everything but I held her back as I tried to listen to all the sound clips. Soon, we were the only one left at the starting of the gallery. I told her not to worry, we won't get lost in the gallery. Some exhibits and the sound clip was a bit scary. The room made it more scary. We walked in fear as if we were in a haunted house in an amusement park.When I checked my watch. 45 minutes had past and we were only at about number 45-50. We would have to rush through the rest of the exhibit but we learnt quite a lot there. I thought it was the end of the journey but I seems like I was wrong.We went up huge flight of stairs and we stop outside two different exhibits.I went to the fashion exhibit first. There, I saw many dresses and sets of clothes that were from the different generations.My favourite one was the one with an orange vest and shorts. The high heels were extremely high. I listened to a story of an old tailor. She told everything about her past and how she get her interest in her career.We exchange places with the other half of the class and we went in to the film and wayang gallery. There were three screen showing some of the films from the past. When I saw the horror part, I was sort of scared. I felt a shiver down my spine and I closed my eyes as tightly as possible. I dared myself in watching the film and in the end, I found myself laughing my head off.Instead of being frighten, it was hilarious as it made no sense at all.Everything was familiar to me when it came to the wayang exhibit. My grandmother always bring me to wayang shows when I was younger.We next proceed to the food exhibit.It smelt different kind of smell and I really hate the coconut.I wonder how the made it. Just pulling a ring and the smell just come out like that.I listen to the history of the TokTok mee. I wanted to listen to the others but there was not enough time to do so.I wish I could go back to the museum.It is sure a good place to be at when you learn.I learn quite a lot of Singapore History. I want to thank the principal and the teachers to organise such a wonderful experience for us. Thank You...:)

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