Thursday, April 23, 2009

SA1 Oral Exam

I was relieve when I heard that I was having my oral on 22nd then on 23rd. First reason, I would not want to have an examination on my birthday...(Yes....Yes....My birthday is on the 23rd ....So what!) Second reason, I was afraid that I would forget everything as I was nervous. This apply on the every oral exam I have actually. Anyway, the date of my oral exam change because I needed to go for Math Olympiad on 23rd.When my friends and I was having lunch together, we helped each other by giving tips and good advice.( I was sitting with most of the smart girls in class...Their tips and advice really helped a little bit.)We then assembled at the hall waiting for arrangement to be made. The few moments was frightening. We were crossing our fingers when the head mistress went near to the examiner's table. Everyone was praying hard that she was not the examiner. A miracle did happen. Our examiner was actually a friendly teacher.Finally it was my turn and I went to sit down. ( Of cause I greet the teacher before I sat down.)I took a deep breath and started reading the passage. Followed by the picture, it was funny when I think back. I stumbled a lot of time and it was different when I was preparing. Surprisingly, when I made a mistake in the picture part. The teacher actually corrected me. I was surprised and grateful to him. It wasn't for him, I would not have realised my mistake. We then proceeded to the conversation. His question was about accident. The teacher asked me whether I had seen an accident on the road. My answer was yes and it shocked him. I went on to elaborate and I expressed it exactly how it happened.It was the end of my English oral exam and it was going to be the end of the world. I had practised very hard for both my English and mother tongue oral. My language used to be very poor. I really worked hard but no matter how hard I tried. I still did not improve.Let's get back to subject. So, I waited for my turn for the mother tongue oral. At first, I was quite confident but after I found out that my examiner was actually my own teacher. That really made me have butterflies in my stomach. I took a deep breath again and just went ahead. Everything pass so quickly. The next thing I know that I was walking home, smiling.

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